For more information on any of these Ministries, please email [email protected] Liturgical Ministries / Ministerios Liturgicos Lectors / Lectores The lector is the liturgical minister responsible for proclaiming the scripture readings (except the Gospel) at the Eucharist and other sacraments, as well as announcing the intentions of the General Intercessions, if not done by the Deacon. The Lector can also proclaim the Responsorial Psalm if the cantor or leader of song does not lead the congregation in the Response to the First Reading (typically at weekday Masses). Training is required at a Diocesan workshop or at the Pastor's discretion. El lector es el ministro litúrgico responsable de proclamar las lecturas bíblicas (excepto el Evangelio) en la Eucaristía y los demás sacramentos, así como el anuncio de las intenciones de la oración universal, si no lo hace el Diácono. El Lector puede proclamar el salmo responsorial si el cantor o el líder del coro no conduce a la congregación en la respuesta a la primera lectura (por lo general en las misas entre semana). Se requiere capacitación en un taller diocesano o, a discreción del Pastor. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion / Ministros Extraordinarios de la Comunión Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are responsible for assisting the clergy with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist and the Precious Blood at all Masses. They also bring Holy Communion to the homebound. It is necessary to attend a training course prior to a formal installation ceremony. Ellos son responsables de ayudar al clero con la distribución de la Santa Eucaristía y la Preciosa Sangre en todas las misas. También llevan la Sagrada Comunión a los enfermos. Es necesario asistir a un curso de formación antes de una ceremonia de instalación formal. Loro sono responsabili per l'assistenza al clero con la distribuzione della Santa Eucaristia e il Preziosissimo Sangue a tutte le messe. Portano anche la Santa Comunione agli ammalati e agli infermi. É necessario frequentare un corso di formazione prima di una cerimonia d'insediamento formale. Choir / Coro Parroquial There are several opportunities for both adults and children to participate in the various choirs and serve as cantors. Members of the choirs sing at weekly liturgies as well as for various seasonal and other extraordinary liturgies, such as Midnight Mass of Christmas, Holy Week, and the Patronal Feast Day. Hay varias oportunidades para que los adultos y los niños participen en los diferentes coros y sirvan también como cantores. Los miembros de los coros cantan en las Misas semanales, así como para diversas Misas extraordinarias estacionales y otras, como la misa de medianoche de Navidad, Semana Santa, Fiesta Patronal, etc. Adult Choir Contact: Mr. Miguel Rosario The choir sings at 12:00 p.m. Mass on Sunday. Youth Choir Contact: Mr. Miguel Rosario Coro en Español Rehearsals are Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Coro de niños Coro San Miguel Arcángel Contact: Raul Chamorro Altar Servers / Servidores del Altar Altar Servers assist the Priest and the Deacon at all Masses. Servers should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and carry them out with appropriate reverence. They should have already received Holy Communion for the first time and normally receive the Eucharist whenever they participate in the liturgy. Los Monaguillos asisten al celebrante y al diácono en todas las misas. Los servidores deben ser lo suficientemente maduros como para entender sus responsabilidades y para llevarlas a cabo bien y con la correspondiente reverencia . Ellos ya deben haber recibido la Primera Comunión y recibir la Eucaristía cada vez que participan en la liturgia. Ushers / Hospitality / Hospitalidad Ushers welcome the congregation, seat them, and assist with any other needs they may have. They also direct the congregation during Holy Communion and oversee the Sunday collection Los Ministros de Hospitalidad dan la bienvenida a la congregación, acomodan, y ayudan con cualquier otra necesidad que puedan tener. También dirigen la congregación durante la Santa Comunión y supervisan la colecta. Parish Organizations and Societies Adult Faith Formation Contact: Wanda Marty Christ called for His followers to spread the Good News to everyone. Ongoing faith formation is essential to accomplish this mission. Our spiritual life and learning does not end at Confirmation or graduation, but continues throughout the course of life. Our Adult Formation program is made up of fully initiated Catholic parishioners who seek to deepen their faith. It may serve as a continuing resource for the newly initiated Catholic adult as well as the ongoing catechesis of adults wishing to revisit and learn new elements of our faith. All adults are welcome to accept this invitation to continue growing in the understanding of Jesus Christ and His saving love for all people. St. Finbar Religious Education School / Educación Religiosa Contact: Mrs. Wanda Marty Catechists and classroom aides are needed to provide religious instruction and assistance for all grades. Se necesitan catequistas y ayudantes de aula, abierta la inscripción para todos los grados. Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is for those who wish to receive the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. Rito de la Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (RICA) - Bautismo, Comunión, Confirmación. Mayores de 17 años. Contact: Francisco Tzunún Marian Rosary Society Members meet once a month in the Annex, when they gather to pray the Rosary and plan social and fundraising events. The members participate in other societies and organizations as catechists, choir members, and other liturgical ministers. They also assist with hospitality at various Parish events. Prayer Societies Asociación del Señor de Esquipulas Los jueves a las 8:00 p.m. en el sótano de la Rectoría Círculo de Oración – Seguidores de Cristo (Charismatic Prayer Group) Contact: Miguel Ulario Martes, jueves y domingos a las 7:30 p.m. en la Iglesia de abajo Comité Guadalupano (Parish Mexican Apostolate) Contact: Berta Ventura Se reúne el primer martes del mes, en el sótano de la Rectoría Sociedad de San Miguel Arcángel (Parish Guatemalan Apostolate) Contact: Elizabeth Tohom Los jueves a las 7:30 p.m. en el sótano de la Rectoría Societá della Madonna del Santo Rosario di Pompeii (Italian Rosary Society) Contact: Gina Puccio A group dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. Members offer an annual novena to the Blessed Virgin Mary and pray the 15 Saturdays leading up to the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Un gruppo dedicato alla Madonna del Rosario. I membri offrono una novena annuale alla Beata Vergine Maria e la preghiera dei 15 sabati che finisce con la festa e messa della Madonna del Rosario di Pompei il primo sabato di ottobre. League of the Sacred Heart Contact: Carmela Golino Members attend the 9:00 a.m. Mass on the First Friday of every month, and lead Eucharistic Adoration during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the day. New members are formally consecrated at a special Mass on the Feast of the Sacred Heart in June. I membri partecipano alla messa della 9:00 a.m. del primo venerdì del mese, e conducono l'adorazione eucaristica durante l'Esposizione del Santissimo Sacramento per tutta la giornata . I nuovi membri sono formalmente consacrati ad una messa speciale nella festa del Sacro Cuore nel mese di giugno. Food Pantry Call the Rectory Office if you are in need of assistance regarding food or clothing. Golden Age Contact: Betty Pisano A meeting place to socialize and enjoy the company of other members of the Parish Senior Community. Meetings are on Tuesdays at 11am in the Annex. They also plan day trips to places such as Atlantic City. |